Thursday, 20 November 2014

Clare Valley Riesling and the story of cork クレアバレー リースリングと コルクの話

It has been so hot today and a chilled white wine is perfect for such a hot day. We had a Jim Barry's Watervale Riesling (Clare Valley) at dinner. I won't go into the tasting comment; it was really good with refreshing and crisp taste for the price.

According to 'The World Atlas of Wine,' Producers in Clare Valley were the first in Australia to agree to move to screw caps to preserve the steely purity of their Riesling. It is interesting to know such a trivium. The major sensory characteristic of the Clare Valley Riesling is its high and crisp acidity, which distinguish the wine from other regions' Riesling. Therefore, to preserve the acidity as much as possible, they were encouraged to adopt screw caps. Their decision was quite reasonable, I think.

In Japan, many people think wine is closed with a cork, although it depends on the selections of shops. However, Australian wine are almost all closed with screw caps. Corky taints rarely happen with wine with screw caps. In Japan, many consumers tend to think that screw-cap wine is non-premium/daily wine and wine with cork is premium wine/excellent wine, but such idea should be abandoned. The question is whether it keeps the quality of the wine or not.

Jim Barry is named as one of the best Riesling producers in the region in the book. I am going to visit them in the near future.

今日は暑かったです。こういう日は冷やした白ワインが一番、とうことで今日はクレアバレーのリースリング(Jim Barry のWatervale Riesling 2014)を飲みました。テイスティングの詳細はコメントしませんが、爽やかな酸味とリフレッシュ感のある味わいで、値段を考えると(約1,800円)とても良いと思います。

ちなみにクレアバレーはアデレードから北に車で約2時間程度の所に所在し、大型ワイナリーが多いバロッサと違い、比較的規模の小さいワイナリーが多くあります。ワインはリースリングが特に有名です。なおThe World Atlas of Wineによれば、クレアバレーのワイン生産者は、品質保持のためオーストラリアで最初にスクリューキュップへの移行に同意した地域とのこと。確かにクレアバレーリースリングの主要な特徴の一つはミネラル感のある強い酸味ですし、そうした特徴を保持するにはスクリューキャップが最も良いと言われていますから、スクリューキャップへの移行は合理的な選択と言えると思います。


さて今日飲んだJim Barry ですが、The World Atlas of Wine でクレアバレーの最良の生産者の一つとして、挙げられています。近々訪問してきます。

Monday, 10 November 2014

Exam and wine 試験とワイン

I have two exams this week and finished the first one today. The second exam is Thursday and as such, I should study tonight. However, I would like to drink wine tonight as half of my stress has gone. 'Do not do today what you can do tomorrow,' let's drink wine now and study tomorrow.


Glühwein ホットワイン

Christmas is approaching. I will spend my first Christmas in the southern hemisphere. For Australian, Christmas in summer is usual, but for those who was born and grew up in the northern hemisphere, it may seem a little strange. Anyway, I want to enjoy the Christmas here in Adelaide.

I remember drinking an interesting wine in Christmas season in Germany. It is Glühwein (Mulled wine in English). It is a hot red wine, cooked with spices such as cinnamon sticks and clove, sugar, orange peel. It is hot, so good for a drink in winter. I do not know if there is such custom in Australia. Whether it is delicious or not, it is something interesting to drink, Why not Glühwein?



Sunday, 9 November 2014

Alsace アルザス

Alsace is the famous wine region in France. It is so beautiful as Mosel region in Germany which I talked in my first post and worth visiting. I have been there before and would like to visit again. Today, I want to show nice pictures when I visited there in 2007.


d'Arenberg winery ダレンベルグワイナリー

McLaren Vale is close to Adeleide and it takes only 45 minutes from our apartment to go there, and as such, I often visit wineries in McLaren Vale. 

'DADD' by d'Arenberg in MacLaren Vale is my favorite sparking wine. I tasted it at the cellar door and bought it as I thought it was very good quality under $30.

Mr Osborn, who is a chief winemaker of the d'Arenberg winery, talks about the wine including why the name is DADD in YouTube.  I like this warm sense of naming which is not seen in Europe.


DADD はマクラーレンベールのダレンベルグワイナリーのスパークリングワインで、私のお気に入りのスパークリングワインです。セラードアでテイスティングし、3,000円以下で買えるスパークリングワインとしては、とても良い品質だと思ったので購入しました。

4代目で醸造責任者のChester Osborn 氏がこのワインの魅力とDADD(お父さん)の由来についてYouTubeで語ります。ヨーロッパにはない、暖かい感じのネーミングがいいです。

Takahata winery 高畠ワイナリー

Takahata winery is one of the famous wineries in Japan located in Yamagata Prefecture. The winery is good to visit as the visitors can see the production line there. I recommend visiting. I like the winery's sparkling wines. It's good considering the price.


Friday, 7 November 2014

Yalumba ヤルンバ

I remember drinking Yalumba's Signature 3 years ago when I stayed in Kyoto on business. I can clearly remember its high intensity of dark cherry taste. Since then, the taste of Yalumba represented my image of Australian wine until I came to Adelaide. Now, with many tasting of wine from various regions and tasting of of various styles, my image of Australian wine has become diverse dramatically.

My first visit to Yalumba was excellent. A cellar door staff was very attentive, and has deep and wide knowledge of their product. A large counter, nice building and interior, good staffs and good wine, every important factor of a cellar door was there. With such a nice experience, Yalumba has become a reliable brand for me.


初めてのヤルンバへの訪問はとても素晴らしいものでした。セラードアスタッフの方はとても気遣いが出来、知識も豊富でした。 広いカウンター、素晴らしい建物に内装、素晴らしいスタッフ、素晴らしいワイン、セラードアにとって重要な要素が全てそこにありました。そうした経験を持てたことで、ヤルンバは私のとって信頼のブランドになりました。

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Wolf Blass No.2, Food paring ウルフブラス その2、 食べ物との組み合わせ

I had Wolf Blass Yellow Lable Riesling last night. I found the wine good cost-effectiveness as we enjoyed this medium bodied, fruit-driven such as lemon and lime wine by paying only $14. It matched yesterday's dinner, pasta, ratatouille and smoke salmon quite well.


Wolf Blass No.1 ウルフブラス その1

Wolf brass is the first Australian wine I have had.

That was in 2006. When I held a home party, my neighbour brought Wolf Blass's Black Label (I am sure it was Cabenet Sauvignon) to us. It was his most favorite wine. My first impression on the wine was very strong flavour and aroma of dark fruits. The colour was nearly black. I had never had such a wine of high intensity of colour, aroma and flavour. It was really delicious. Since then, a red label has been a popular wine at home.

In September this year,  I had a chance to visit Wolf Blass winery as a field trip of the winemaking class (I took a lot of pictures for my study, but to protect their confidential business information, I do not upload the pictures in this blog). Winemaking at the Wolf Blass is operated in large scale and highly automated way, especially in bottling process. It was like a huge factory. It significantly contrasted with a small winery.  I think Woof Blass is a successful example of modern, large scaled winemaking. All the staffs seem highly motivated. Thanks to them, I could understand the practical winemaking process quite well.

Due to the high labour cost, Australia is struggling with Chile,generally. However, Wolf Blass is competing quite well in many export markets with other wine producers from New World. In my personal opinion, Chilean wine is generally higher in cost effectiveness than Australian wine. having said that, Wolf Brass is definitely one of the companies which can compete with strong rivals such as Chilean wine in international markets in the area of commercial wine. For example, they succeeded in the UK market well, where their wine are well displayed in wine shops and supermarkets.




Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Cellar door セラードア

One of the most memorable wineries I have ever visited in Australia is Hentley Farm Wines in Barossa Valley.
A visitor to a cellar door can usually spend a good time at any winery in Australia thanks to the friendly cellar door staffs because a cellar door is recognised as an important function for a winery to acquire brand loyalty and a life-time customer in wine marketing world. The cellar door at the Hentley Farm is special. The reasons are as follows:
Visitors usually taste wine standing, but at the Hentley farm, we can have a nice chair for tasting wine, which enables us to concentrate on tasting. Of course, a cellar door staff gave us a detailed explanation of the sensory attribute such as  aroma and flavour of each wine, the place of grape grown, the differences of soil and the philosophy of winemaking,etc.
The winery's wines are not the type of stressing its intensity, but they are outstanding in elegance, complexity and richness. Even the most affordable wines, which are AU$26.5, have such attributes and really delicious.
I think Hentley Farm provides us with one of the best wine-tourism experience since we can taste the wine in perfect environment. I will definitely visit them again.

バロッサバレーにある Hentley Farm Wines は、私がオーストラリアに来て最も記憶に残っているワイナリの一つです。
ワインマーケティングの世界では、セラードアは顧客のloyalty を高める重要や役割を持つと考えられているので、オーストラリアではどのワイナリーでもセラードアスタッフの感じが良く、心地良くテイスティングができますが、ここは別格です。
通常セラードアでのテイスティングはカウンターに立って行いますが 、写真にあるようにこのワイナリーではきちんとした椅子に座ってテイスティングが出来ます。したがって、立ち飲みと違い、テイスティングに集中できます。またワイナリーのスタッフが1種類ずつ、ワインの香りや味の特徴、ブドウが取れた畑の位置や土壌の違い、ワイン醸造の哲学などを丁寧に説明してくれます。
私はwine tourism のベストの一つが、ここHentley Farm Winesだと考えています。近いうちに再訪したいと思います。

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Burgundy ブルゴーニュ

One of my favorites wines is red Burgundy. Compared with other regions, the Burgundy wine has generally more clear appearance, high acidity, more elegance, less tannin. Above all, I like the Volnay the most. The top picture is vineyards in Volnay village and after that, several pictures of the very famous Romanee Conti, which I took in Summer in 2009. Of course, I have not tried the Romanee Conti yet.

私のお気に入りのワインの一つはブルゴーニュの赤ワインです。ブルゴーニュワインは他の地域のワインに比べ、一般的には、透明度が高く、酸味があって、エレガントです。そんなにタンニンは多くありません。とりわけVolnay 村のワインが好みです。写真は2009年に行った時に撮ったもので、1枚目がVolnay 村のぶどう畑、2枚目以降が有名なロマネコンティです。 もちろんロマネコンティはまだ飲んだことがありません。

Monday, 3 November 2014

How to keep the wine for the next day? ワインを翌日まで保存する方法

When you cannot finish a bottle of wine, how do you keep it?

I remove air from the bottle with a pump and a stopper, which prevents oxidation, and put the wine in the refrigerator. The quality of the wine the next day can be retained almost as good as the day it is opened.



Sunday, 2 November 2014

Turkey Flat ターキーフラット

I had a Turkey Flat's Butcher Block (GSM) 2012 which I bought at the cellar door yesterday at Dinner. It was really good. My favorites Australian red wines under $20 are this Turkey Flat GSM and Mojo Shiraz. I would like to talk about Mojo in the near future.

今晩、昨日ワイナリーで購入した Turkey Flat の Butcher Block (GSM) 2012を飲みましたが、やはり素晴らしかったです。今のところ、このTurkey Flat の Butcher Block (GSM) とMojo というワイナリーのShirazが20豪ドル以下の豪州産赤ワインでお気に入りの2本です。

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Turkey Flat Vineyards ターキーフラットヴィンヤード

I visited Barossa Valley with friends today, and I found a really good winery. The name of the winery is Turkey Flat Vineyards; all the wine I tasted were wonderful; especially, Butchers Block Red (Grenash, Shiraz, Mourvedre ) is exceptional. We can get the wine with elegance, high complexity, perfect balance between fruit and oak, good structure at only $19.

今日は友人とバロッサをバレーを訪問、Turkey Flat Vineyards ターキーフラットヴィンヤード という素晴らしいワイナリーを見つけました。全てのワインが美味しかったのですが、特に、Butchers Block Red はわずか$19(1,800円) で秀逸でした。