Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Eden Valley イーデンバレー

I had been to Barossa Valley many times, but not been to any winery in Eden Valley, which lies to the west of the Barossa,  except for Yalumba.

I finally went to the Eden Valley today. Eden Valley is renowned for its high quality Riesling and Shiraz, and especially, its Riesling is generally considered to be one of the finest of Riesling in Australia. Eden Valley is located at the  sea level of about 450 m, and the cool-climatic condition deriving from the high elevation contributes to the high quality of the wine in Eden Valley. Please refer to my previous post for relationship between climate and the quality of wine. In cool climate, grapes ripe slowly for a long time, resulting in reaching optimal ripeness and increasing complexity. 

Henschke is one of the most popular wineries in Eden Valley. It was very nice winery and a cellar door staff is so kind and cheerful. The wines are as a whole fruit-driven style and of course high quality.  

Most wine producers in Eden Valley are small-scaled, and it is difficult for such a small producer to have own cellar door due to the budget and human-resource constraint. 'Taste Eden Valley' provides a visitor with a chance to taste wines made by such small producers in Eden Valley. It is really good system for both visitors and producers. I tried two white and four red wine there. I found an excellent wine 'Barossa Genral Store Shiraz 2010, Hartz Barn wines .' It was ripe red cherry, sweet spice, velvety tannin, bright, very rich and elegant style. It was really wonderful and perhaps it could be in the top three of Australian wine I have ever had. The price is $37, but I think the quality definitely should deserve higher the price. A lady at the cellar door taught me that Hartz Barn wines is located in Moculta area and the area is known as a premium red wine area. Henschke's flagship 'Hill of Grace' vineyard is also located in this area.

It seems interesting to study Eden Valley further.



Taste Eden valley
イーデンバレーは小規模なワイナリーが多く、そうした小規模ワイナリーは予算や人的資源の制約のため、自身のセラードアを持つことが難しい場合が多いです。Taste Eden Valley' ではそうした小規模ワイナリーのワインを一同に試飲出来ます(共同でセラードア(試飲所)を運営している感じです)。生産者および消費者双方にとってとてもよいシステムだと思います。私はここで白ワインを2種類、赤ワインを4種類試飲しました。そしてハーツ バーン ワイン の 'Barossa Genral Store Shiraz 2010' という大変素晴らしいワインを見つけました。熟した赤いチェリー、甘いスパイス、滑らかなタンニンが特徴で、華やかで、芳醇で優雅さのあるワインでした。極めて美味しかったです。もしかしたらこれまで飲んだオーストラリアワインのベスト3に入るかもしれません。価格は37ドルでしたが、その品質はもっと高い価格に値すると感じました。ここの女性の方が教えてくれたのですが、ハーツバーンはイーデンバレーのMoculta という地域にあり、この地域はプレミアム赤ワインの地域として知られているということでした。ヘンチキの最上級ワイン 'Hill of Grace' のブドウ畑もこの地域にあるとのこと。


Eden Valley


Taste Eden Valley

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Penfolds Magill Estate ペンフォールズ マギル エステート

Today, I visited Penfolds Magill Estate for the first time. It is located very close to the city, just fifteen-minute drive from our apartment, so the closest winery from our apartment.  I should have been there earlier and should have come more often as I found the tasting list is really attractive.

I tasted eight wines today. Among those, BIN 23 Adelaide Hills Pino Noir  2010, BIN 150 MARANGA Shiraz 2012, BIN 389 Cabernet Shriaz 2011, and Father Grand Tawny were amazing. after considering for a long time, I purchased the tawny, $40.

BIN 23 Adelaide Hills Pino Noir  2010
Quite elegant style. Red cherry dominant with moderate smoked, oak character leading to high complexity on nose and red cherry, velvety mouth feel, very clear taste.

BIN 150 MARANGA Shiraz 2012
On nose: ripe blue berries, pear, sweet spice such as liquorice with a hint of mint. High intensity of sweet, fruit character.
On palate: dark berry fruit, full body, high alcohol content, hot sensation, moderate oak, high level of sweetness, soft tannin, very rich texture, high complexity.

BIN 389 Cabernet Shriaz 2011
On nose: black berry, chocolate
On palate: black currant, ripe berry, velvety tannin, good balance keeping acidity, tight sensation

Father Grand Tawny
Really nice tawny. Elegantly sweet while keeping freshness quite well, resulting in excellent after taste.


8種類のワインをテイスティングしましたが、その中でも、BIN 23 Adelaide Hills Pino Noir  2010, BIN 150 MARANGA Shiraz 2012, BIN 389 Cabernet Shriaz 2011, Father Grand Tawny は非常に良かったです。何を買うか長い時間迷いましたが、Tawny を購入しました。

BIN 23 Adelaide Hills Pino Noir  2010

BIN 150 MARANGA Shiraz 2012

BIN 389 Cabernet Shriaz 2011

Father Grand Tawny
これは本当に素晴らしいTawny 。フレッシュさをきちんと残しながら優雅な甘さが特徴的で、後味が大変素晴らしい。

Friday, 23 January 2015

Coonawarra クーナワラ

The other day, I finally visited Coonawarra, which is renowned for one of the finest wine regions to produce Cabernet Sauvignon in Australia.

Coonawarra is located about the 380km south-east of Adelaide. The vineyards were traditionally restricted to a narrow north-south strip of land approximately 20 km long; since the 1990s the boundaries have expanded. There are currently about 5,200 ha of vineyards, which is similar scale to McLaren Vale and two thirds of Barossa Valley. There are about 90 grape-growers and the number of cellar door in the region is about 25 with 15 working wineries.

Coonawarra is known for its unique soil structure and suitable climate for growing rapes. As I mentioned the soils of the Coonawarra before in a Clare valley post,  its terra rossa soils are well drained while maintaining adequate moisture, and fertile.

Some characteristics of the Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon are blackcurrant, minty aromas building to a rich palate, high intensity and complexity of flavour with soft velvety texture. In addition, my opinion, Coonawara's Cabernet Sauvignon generally has firmer structure than Margaret River's Cabernet, which is another finest Cabernet region in Australia.

A wide range of wines are available for tasting. I tasted nine wines. Luckily I was allowed to taste its flagship wine 'Michael Shiraz' and 'John Riddoch Cabernet.'  Both are exceptional quality, and I preferred Michael Shriaz as it was ultra silky texture, elegant and bright with good balance between red fruit and moderate oak flavour.

Its physical environment of the tasting room is amazing, very cosy, a little dark room which enables us to concentrate on tasting . Moreover, many materials such as a cross-section of the soils, which are helpful for visitors to understand the winery, are on the display in the room.

I bought Black label Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 at the cellar door, which is the bench mark of the fine Cabernet of Wynns. it is not cheep ($32, cellar door price), but it deserves to the price.

It was very fortunate that I met the owner, Mr Doug Balnaves. He explained to me his winery, vineyards, vinyard management and terra rossa of the Coonawarra in details. Thanks to him,  I was able to understand the Coonawarra well. Thanks, Doug.

This is a very nice winery to visit because the atmosphere is wonderful; it has beautiful vineyards surrounded with many roses and friendly, kind people. Of course the wines are excellent!

I tasted five wines there, and I found that Cabernet Merlot is quite-well balanced and I bought a bottle of this. Its flagship 'The Tally' is very rich, and has the high intensity of dark fruit such as blueberry, blackcurrant, which is well-balanced with moderate french oak, resulting in giving complexity and elegance to the wine. Doug told me that it is a little early to drink the wine now and with aging for 5-10 years the wine would increase the complexity.    

Majella is a family-owned winery and produces high quality wines using grapes from mostly 40-year-old vines.

I tasted six wines ranging from the entry level of 'The Musician'  to its flagship wine 'The Malleea.' I had a impression that the wines were firm and tight as a whole.


クーナワラはアデレードの南東380kmに所在。ブドウ畑はかつては南北に細長い20km に制限されていましたが、1990年代のブドウ栽培ブーム以降拡大されてきています。ブドウ栽培面積は現在約5,200ha ほどで 、マクラーレンベールとほぼ同じ、バロッサバレーの約3分の2の大きさになります。現在約90のブドウ栽培農家によってブドウが栽培されています。 セラードアは約25軒で、実質的に稼働しているワイナリーは15くらいとのこと。



幅広い種類のワインを試飲できました。幸運なことに、通常はセラードアでは試飲できない最上級ワインの'Michael Shiraz' と 'John Riddoch Cabernet' を試飲させてもらいました。両方とも秀逸な出来でしたが、個人的には 'Michael Shiraz' の方が絹のような舌触りで、優雅さ、華やかさがあり、また果実と樽のバランスが良く取れていて、好みでした。



オーナーのDoug Balnaves さんと会えたのは大変な幸運でした。彼は、ワイナリー、ブドウ畑、ブドウ畑の管理、テラロッサ土壌について詳しく説明してくれ、クーナワラのことを大変よく理解することができました。テラロッサ層と石灰岩層の間に硬い層があり、ブドウの苗木を植樹する前にショベルカーでその硬い層を砕く必要があったこと(根が石灰質層の下にある地下水層に到達できるようにするため)、厳密な理由はわからないが、テラロッサ土壌のワインは周辺の黒土土壌よりも質の高いブドウが取れることなど。


ここでは、5種類のワインを試飲。 カベルネ・メルローがバランスが取れていて良いと思ったので1本購入しました。ここのフラッグシップの'The Tally' は非常に芳醇で、ブルーベリーやカシスの力強い果実味が感じられ、それが穏やかなフレンチオークの風味とよくバランスが取れて、最終的に高い複雑性と優雅さを持つに至っています。Doug によると、あと5-10年熟成させると複雑性が増し、飲み頃になるとのこと。

Majella は主に樹齢40年以上のブドウ樹から高品質のワインを作っている家族経営のワイナリーです。ここではエントリーレベルから最上級レベルまで6種類のワインを試飲。全体的に堅い、しっかりした骨格のワインが多いとの印象です。




Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Blue Stilton cheese and wines ブルースティルトンチーズとワイン

Based on the principle concerning cheese and wine pairing which I posted yesterday, we enjoyed wine and a wonderful blue Stilton cheese which we were given as a Christmas present from friends of ours during a new year vacation.

The Stilton cheese has the high intensity of saltiness, richness and complexity, and it is definitely very nice. The cheese itself is so tasty that it simply goes well with bread. We also tried the cheese with honey and we found the saltiness of the cheese contrasted the sweetness of the honey and they matched well.

Then, we matched the cheese which was recovered to room-temperature, with wine. We paired it with Yalumba Hand picked Shiraz Viognier 2012. The wine is full-bodied, red-fruit dominant, such as raspberry, silky tannin,  elegant style. As the grapes were harvested by hands, the wine is no bitterness and very soft textured. I thought it was like a fine Burgundy wine. If I were a judge at a wine show, I would give it a gold medal. Regarding the matching of the wine and cheese, I can say that it is a good pairing, although it might be the flavour of the cheese is slightly stronger than wine. Wines of the higher intensity of flavour may match the Stilton better than the Yalumba.

Next day, we matched the chilled Stilton cheese with desert wine, Vasse Felix Cane Cut 2012 Semillon. The wine itself lacks crispness, which is an important factor for a good desert wine; however, it matched the Stilton so well.  

My wife has a different opinion. She thinks the Yalumba matched the Stilton better than the Vasse Felix.

We found that desert wines match chilled blue cheeses well and full-bodied red wines go well with blue cheeses with room-temperature.




翌日は、デザートワインと合わせてみました。Vasse Felix Cane Cut 2012 セミヨンです。ワイン自体は少し酸が足りないと感じましたが、スティルトンとはよく合いました。




Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Wine and cheese ワインとチーズ

The Wine and cheese are good pairing. The principle of pairing cheeses with wines is as follows:

Soft cheeses
Soft cheeses such as Brie, Camembert and sheep cheese are more lightly textured, and can be paired with sparkling wines,  aromatic white wines and light- to medium- bodied high acid wine. Creamier, richer cheeses may require more weighty and complex wines; alternatively more acid wines also match such creamier cheese well.  

Semi-hard and hard cheeses
The aromas and textures of semi-hard and hard cheeses, such as Cheddar, Comte and Manchego and Parmigiano reggiano match sparkling wines medium- to full- bodied white wines and older red wines.

Blue cheeses
The powerful, complex, salty and often pungent aromas of blue cheeses, e.g. Gorgonzola, Roquefort and Stilton, require strongly flavoured, complex wines. Sweet wines and fortified wines generally match chilled blue cheeses well.  Full-bodied red wines go well with blue cheeses with room-temperature.

Local wine and the local cheeses
Basically local wines match the local cheeses regardless of the above three principles.    






Friday, 2 January 2015

Most memorable wine in 2014 最も印象に残っているワイン 2014年

I want to reflect wines I drank in 2014 further. I named the most frequent wines I drank at home, two days ago. Today, I want to mention about the most impressive and memorable wines in 2014. Good for both at home and special occasions.

Casa Santos Lima, Quinta das Setencostas (Portugal DOC Alenquer)
Plum, red cherry
smooth, silky texture
Very elegant style

Good to see a short video showing the winery's philosophy. Available in Japan.

Mountdam, Barossa Shiraz
Plum, raspberry
acid, crisp, clear taste
not typical Barossa shiraz, rather Burgundy style

Torbreck, Viognier
High intensity of aroma and taste: peach, apricot, honey
Very aromatic, rich

I drank this wine with BYO at Ichirtaro dining, the best Japanese restaurant in Adelaide. It is a good paring with Japanese foods.  


Casa Santos Lima, Quinta das Setencostas (Portugal DOC Alenquer) ポルトガルワイン


Mountdam, Barossa Shiraz

Torbreck, Viognier


Casa Santos Lima, Quinta das Setencostas

Mountdam, Barossa Shiraz

Torbreck, Viognier