Thursday, 28 May 2015

Unique wineries in the Adelaide Hills アデレードヒルズのユニークなワイナリー

In the past two weeks I visited several small, family-owned boutique wineries in Adelaide Hills: Barratt wines, Mt Lofty Ranges Vineyard, Pike and Joyce, Ashton Hills Vineyard, Lobethal Road Wines, Sinclair’s Gully and Tilbrook Estate.

I found some common features in these wineries:

1.Cool-climate style wine
Refreshing, crisp white wine such as Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, and Chardonnay; and elegant red, not only Pinot Noir but also elegant style Shiraz and Merlot:

In particular, I found Barratt’s Merlot and Lobethal Road’s Shiraz are excellent value for money; it is only AUS$22 and $25 respectively for such a nice elegant silky textured wine. In my opinion both wines deserve at least more than AUS$30

2.Viticulture and winemaking focusing on expressing terroir
Sustainable viticultural practice, hand-prune, hand-pick, minimum intervention winemaking to express terroir at the most

3.Unique vineyard and cellar door
Environmentally-friendly vineyard practice and unique cellar door operation:

Sinclair’s Gully: environmentally-friendly policy can be seen in not only cellar door, but also all the property: vineyards are biodynamic, organic practice are used to ensure the vineyard remains in harmonious with nature; Its winery and cellar door is located in a bushland where over 150 species of native plants and 66 species of native birds, many of which are endangered or rare. Sinclair’s Gully re-invests part of the profits in the protection and restoration of the bushland and wildlife. They provide visitors with very unique wine and ecotourism experiences.

Mt Lofty ranges vineyard
The vineyard is home to wildlife such as Koalas, Kangaroos and native birdlife and half of the property has been retained as pristine natural bushland.

Tilbrook estate
Cellar door is inside the old building of the winery, which is a former mill for fluffing up blankets, and visitors can taste wine seeing winemaking equipment such as fermentation tanks and barrels. When I visited Tilbrook, James, who is an owner, viticulturist and winemaker of Tilbrook kindly showed me around the winery and explained his philosophy of winemaking to me. He seems to be very proud of his cool-climate, elegant wine.

Lobethal Road
Environmentally sustainable approach to vineyard management such as minimal intervention in the vineyard and the winery has been practiced, and they use solar energy throughout the property.

Lastly, at Sinclair’s Gully, Barratt, Lobethal Road and Tilbrook, I was able to talk with the owner of the wineries, and thanks to them, I understood the policy of their winemaking and winery operation very well. This direct interaction is definitely very unique cellar door experience.

I think I am very lucky that I can visit such wonderful wineries only in 30-minute drive. I will explore wineries in the Adelaide Hills further.

ここ2週間ほどで、アデレードヒルズにある家族経営のワイナリーをいくつか訪問しました(Barratt winesMt Lofty Ranges Vineyard, Pike and Joyce, Ashton Hills Vineyard, Lobethal Road WinesSinclair’s Gully および Tilbrook Estate)。そしてこれらのワイナリーにはいくつか共通点があることに気づきました。


特に、Barratt のメルローとLobethal Roadのシラーズは大変なお買い得ワインです。それぞれ20豪ドル、25豪ドルで、素晴らしくエレガントで滑らかな舌触りの赤ワインを味わうことが出来ます。個人的な意見ですが、これらのワインは最低でも30豪ドルの価値はあると思います。



Sinclair’s Gully の環境保護への取組みはセラードアだけでなく、ブドウ畑を含む随所に見られます。ブドウ畑は自然との調和を維持するためにバイオダイナミックおよびオーガニック栽培が取り入れられています。雑木林の中にあるワイナリーおよびセラードアの敷地内には150種類を超える野生植物および66種類の野生鳥類が存在し、その多くが稀少種です。Sinclair’s Gully は毎年の利益の何割かをそうした野生生物や雑木林の保護・回復のために投じています。また敷地にはピクニックエリアが設けられ、訪問者はユニークなエコツーリズムを体験出来るようになっています。

Mt Lofty Ranges Vineyard: ブドウ畑はコアラ、カンガルーそして野性鳥類の住処となっている他、敷地の半分は原生林をそのまま残しています。

Tilbrook Estate: セラードアは、かつて綿織物工場だった建物に入っているワイナリーの一角にあり、訪問客は実際に使われている醸造設備や樽などを見ながらワインを試飲することが出来ます。私が訪問した時は、ワイナリーのオーナーであり、ぶどう栽培家であり、醸造家であるJames が親切にもワイナリーの中を見せてくれ、ワイン作りの哲学などを説明してくれました。彼はアデレードヒルズのエレガントなワインを大変誇りに思っているようでした。

Lobethal Road: 環境を考慮した、持続可能なブドウ栽培手法(ブドウ畑およびワイン作りにおいて、人為的な介入を最小限にする等)を取っている他、このワイナリーでは太陽光発電をワイナリー全てで使用しています。

最後に、Sinclair’s Gully, Barratt, Lobethal Road, Tilbrook ではオーナーに直接話しを聞くことができました。おかげで彼らのワイン醸造およびワイナリー運営の方針を大変良く理解できました。こうしたワイナリー経営者との直接交流は実にユニークなセラードア体験と言えるでしょう。


Mt Lofty Ranges vineyard

Pike and Joyce

Ashton Hills Vineyard

Lobethal Road wines

Sinclair’s Gully

Tilbrook Estate

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Barratt Wines Merlot バラットワインズのメルロー

Before I go into the McLaren Vale wine region, let me talk about wonderful wine we had tonight. It is Barratt wines' Merlot 2008 which was made from grapes grown cool-climate Adelaide Hills.

My understanding about Merlot is that it is usually grown in warm climate regions and the flavour is red fruit-driven, low to medium acidity, soft texture with high alcohol and full body. However, The Barratt wines' Merlot has pleasantly high-acidity, silky- ripened tannin, a lot of red fruit flavour and firm structure built from the acidity and tannin with high alcohol content (15% abv). It is the most elegant Merlot I have ever had.

Their wines, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Merlot, are all quite aromatic, high intensity of fresh-fruit, crisp and pure flavours. The grapes in cool climate regions including Adelaide Hills usually ripen slowly developing more elegant fruit flavours and retaining natural acidity. I think that the winemaker Mr Lindsay Barratt has perfectly succeeded in making wine which expresses such a wonderful character of cool-climate grapes quite well, in particular, Merlot and Pinot Noir.

The winery's cellar door in the Adelaide Hills is small but beautiful. It has a Japanese style garden and it has really nice, calm atmosphere.

Lindsay is a former physician, and he had studied oenology at the Adelaide uni after his retirement and became a winemaker. I admire his passion for wine. As I introduced myself, he discounted the wine, saying “For the future of the wine industry!” ’The only unfortunate thing is that as his production capacity including vineyard is not large enough to export to Japan. I hope his wine will be available in Japan in the future.



彼らのワイン、ソービニョンブラン、シャルドネ、ピノノワール、メルローはどれも香りが素晴らしく、新鮮なフルーツの香り、味わいがはっきりとしています。冷涼気候(アデレードヒルズも含まれます)で作られたブドウは通常、ゆっくりと熟成するので、エレガントな果実味になり、酸は高いまま保たれます。バラットワイナリーで醸造を行うLindsay Barratt氏は、冷涼気候のブドウのそうした特徴をきちんと表現するワイン作りに成功していると思います。


Lindsay さんはもともとお医者さんで、定年退職後にアデレード大学で醸造学を学んで醸造家になった人です。私は彼のワインへの情熱を尊敬します。なお自己紹介したら、“ワイン業界の将来のために”と言って、ワインを値引きしてくれました。唯一残念なことは、生産規模が小さいため、日本には輸出していないという点です。将来日本でも購入できるようになることを望んでいます。

Friday, 8 May 2015

Footprint Shriaz, Penny's Hill

My last post is about McLaren Vale's Scarce Earth Project. Footprint Shiraz 2012 from Penny's Hill winery is another example of the project. I tasted the wine at the cellar door of Penny’s Hill winery.

The vineyard of the Footprint Shiraz is located on the foothills of east McLaren Vale, and as such the vineyard is slightly cooler than the valley floor, contributing to the longer ripening periods of grapes. The soil is clayey sands and silica-cemented conglomerate.

The wine has high intensity of black berry fruits with sweet spices and almond characters on nose and palate, and firm acid and tannin structure which enables the wine to mature for longer time. It is too early to drink now, and we should wait for the best timing. The price is AUS$65.

I bought a more drinkable and affordable Cabernet Sauvignon, 'Edwards Road Cabernet 2013' at AUS$25, which is also made from grown in a single vineyard. This is red fruit-driven, super smooth, soft texture wine.

I often visited wineries in the McLaren Vale recently. I will think about the region from different point of view at a next post.

前回の投稿はマクラーレンベールのScarce Earth Projectについてでしたが、今日もう一つのこのScarce Earth Projectのワインを紹介したいと思います。Penny’s Hill のFootprint Shiraz 2012です。Penny’s Hill のセラードアで試飲しました。

Footprint Shiraz のブドウ畑はマクラーレンベールの東の小高い丘に位置しているため、マクラーレンベールの平地に比べ涼しく、これよりぶどうの熟成期間が少し長くなります。土壌は粘土質の砂でシリカ(ケイ土)の塊が見られます。


このワイナリーでは、飲み易い、手ごろな値段のカベルネソービニョン’Edwards Road Cabernet 2013’ を25豪ドルで買いました。こちらのワインも単一畑のブドウから作られていて、赤果実主体で、大変滑らかでソフトな舌触りのワインです。
