Monday, 16 February 2015

Primo Estate and Italy プリモ エステート とイタリア

Primo Estate

It is hard to establish a brand which has clear distinction from other brands. I found an unique example of such a successful brand in the McLaren Vale. The name of the winery is Primo Estate. What makes the winery unique is its ties to Italy, which is the root of the winey. The winery has succeeded in incorporating many Italian factors into an authentic brand image. Those Italian aspects of the winery are as follows:

Italian variety and wines made in Italy
Primo estate produces wines made from Italian variety such as Sangiovese and Nebbiolo in McLaren Vale. Furthermore, the winemaker and owner of Primo estate, Joe Grilli, made wines in Italy from grapes grown in Italy, and then those wines were brought to Australia to sell. That is a quite unique attempt. I tasted the two of those wines: The Venetian Garganega and The Tuscan Shiraz Sangiovese. The latter, especially, is amazingly nice; it is mainly red cherry on palate with hint of spice, and velvety, soft mouthfeel. Overall, elegance is the main character I felt in the wine. I also enjoyed the difference between this Italy Shriaz Sangiovese and Australian Shiraz Sangiovese; Australian one, The Il Briccone Shiraz Sangiovese 2013, is dark cherry, plum and spicy with high intensity of fruits and high complexity deriving from fruits, oaks and MLF, which is contrasting with the Italian one. Both are wonderful wines.

Wine and foods pairing
On the website of Primo estate, many recipes of Italian foods together with wines recommended for pairing are available. Those are explained in details with pictures, and look so tasty.

Stylish cellar door
The building of the cellar door is very modern, stylish and fashionable. I felt the mode in Italy from the building and tasting room.

Friendly staff
All the staffs are so friendly and I had a wonderful time tasting wines and taking with them. In addition, I was surprised to know that most of them had visited Japan, and thanks to that, I was able to talk about Japan; I felt being individually treated and also very positive emotion toward them and the winery. Such friendliness is perhaps associated with its root of Italy.

It is important for a winery to build distinct brand image in addition to the performance so that consumers can easily identify the brand and feel positive emotion towards the brand. That would finally lead to consumer resonance, in turn, brand loyalty, repeat purchase. That process of acquiring brand equity is tough and long-term task for a winery, and I think Primo estate has been quite successful in establishing its distinct and unique brand image by carefully and uniquely incorporating various Italian factors into its brand management as a core/identity of the brand.

他と明確に違いのあるブランドを確立することは難しいことですが、マクラーレンベールでそのような明確な個性のあるブランドの確立に成功しているユニークな例を見つけました。そのワイナリーの名前はプリモ エステートです。プリモエステートをユニーク足らしめているのはプリモエステートのルーツであるイタリアとの結びつきです。プリモエステートはいくつかのイタリアの要素を一つの純粋なブランドイメージにまとめることに成功しています。そのイタリアの要素についていくつか述べたいと思います。

プリモエステートはイタリアのブドウ品種であるサンジョベーゼやネッビオーロからワインを作っています。更に、このワイナリーのオーナーでありワインメーカーのJoe Grilli氏が、イタリアでイタリアのブドウを使ってワインを作り、オーストラリアに輸入して販売しています。これは大変ユニークな取組みだと思います。私はセラードアでこのイタリアで作られたワインを2種類、The Venetian Garganega 2013 と The Tuscan Shiraz Sangiovese 2013 を試飲しました。とりわけ後者は驚くべき美味しさでした。レッドチェリーがメインで、かすかにスパイスの香りが感じられ、ソフトな舌触り、大変エレガントなワインです。またオーストラリアのシラーズとサンジョベーゼで作られたワインとの違いも楽しむことができました。なおオーストラリアのシラーズとサンジョベーゼ(The Il Briccone Shiraz Sangiovese 2013 )は、ダークチェリー、プラム、スパイスの味わいで、フルーツの力強さや樽、MLF由来の複雑もはっきり感じられ、イタリアのものと対照的でした。もちろん両方とも素晴らしい味です。





Sunday, 8 February 2015

Kalleske wines and Two Hands wines カレスキー ワインとツーハンズ ワイン

I visited Kalleske wines and Two hands wines in the Barossa valley last week. I had a wonderful wines and time at both cellar doors. However, I felt that I enjoyed the wineries in different dimensions. I think that the difference of the enjoyment derived from their different approaches to customers. Speaking precisely, Kalleske seems to place its priority on the production of high quality wines; on the other hand, Two Hands appears to focus on total customer satisfaction. Having said that, I do not want to categorise Kalleske into a production-oriented winery and Two Hands into a customer-oriented winery. That is because both wineries definitely have been making their every effort for customer satisfaction, and the efforts of both wineries are highly successful, I suppose. In fact, I can clearly say that I was so satisfied with the experience at the two wineries. Then, how are they different from in terms of achieving customer satisfaction?

Kalleske wines
What I want to mention about Kalleske first is that the wines are of quite high quality and unique; every wine has its distinct personality.

Such high quality, distinct characters come from Kalleske’s long history of grape-growing. The vineyard was established in 1853 and the grapes have been grown ever since. The oldest remaining vineyard dates back to 1875 and an overall average vine age is about 50 years. The vines are planted in over 30 individual blocks across the property, and this spread of plantings covers a diversity of topographies, soils and aspects ensuring interesting, characteristic, individuality from each block. Moreover, the vineyard is low yielding with grapes grown organically and biodynamically and the winery is also certified biodynamic/organic. Therefore, it can be said that Kalleske’s crown jewel is the grapes from its own vineyards. To make the most of the high quality and distinct character of the grapes, they make wines with minimalist winemaking techniques, resulting in fully capturing the essence of each vineyard.

It is natural that Kalleske highlights its uniqueness of the wines in promotion. It is the wines which customers really want from Kalleske.

Cellar door facility is modern and calm, which I think is very suitable for tasting.

I tasted eight wines. The common feature I felt is its high intensity of dark fruit taste and concentration of the taste. The wines are very serious. I really enjoyed each character of the wines and sometimes I had a feeling of respect. My feeling of the respect is to the wines which reflect the long history of serious grape-growing.

I conclude that Kalleske have achieved high customer satisfaction through its wines having distinct character.

Two Hands wines
The wines of Two Hands are very enjoyable, drinkable and approachable, and also customer-friendly in many ways. Those are what I found about Two Hands wines.

Contrary to Kalleske, Two Hands wines is a relatively new winery, established in 1999. They have their own vineyards, but they mainly source grapes mainly from grapegrowers in major wine regions. Their winemaking concept is “ we concentrate our efforts on sourcing the best fruit from the best Shiraz vineyards in Australia, working closely with our growers to achieve the full potential of each individual site. We strive to produce wines that reflect regionality,” according to the Two Hands website. In other words, flexibility of sourcing grapes to make the good wine is the advantage for Two Hands. It can be said that Two Hands style for production is the opposite to Kalleke, whose philosophy and identity is to source the grapes grown only in their own vineyards.

I think Two Hands uses this flexibility of sourcing grapes quite well to winemaking to meet customer needs and wants. That is reflected in its product line. They have five ranges: the picture series ($27), the garden series($60), the single vineyard series($100), the flagship series($80-165) and the showroom series($25-100). Each series other than the flagship series has more than five different wines differing in region, vineyard and grape variety. Customers can enjoy regional and varietal differences of the wines in each price category before deciding what to buy. This is very customer-friendly product lines.

Another customer-friendly point I want to mention is that cellar door service at Two Hands is excellent. There are exceptionally kind, attentive, reliable and knowledgeable staffs, and nice tasting room in which customers can choose either counter or table for tasting. I had perfectly wonderful tasting time there.

Two Hands have succeed in creating high brand value and customer satisfaction by exploiting flexibility of winemaking and by pursuing for thorough customer-oriented cellar service, although Two Hands does not have a history which is an important element for building brands.

In summary, Kalleske and Two Hands both provide customers with great experience, and as such it is not possible to say which is better. Putting wines at centre like Kalleske or pursuing total customer-satisfaction like Two Hands, I think the goal is the same and just the route to the goal is different. It depends on customer needs and wants which winery a customer prefers.

先週バロッサバレーにあるKalleske wines とTwo hands wines を訪問してきました。両方のセラードアで素晴らしいワインと時間を過ごすことができましたが、その楽しみ方は2つのワイナリーで少し異なっているように感じました。そして、その楽しみ方の違いというのは、それぞれのワイナリーの訪問客へのアプローチ方法の違いから来ているように思いました。少し具体的に言うとKalleske は高品質のワインを作ることに主眼を置いているように見え、一方Two Hands は顧客に与える満足感の総体に焦点をあてているように見えました。そうは言うものの、Kalleke を生産重視のワイナリー、Two Hand を顧客志向のワイナリーというように、マーケティング用語を使ってカテゴリー分けしたくはありません。というのは、方法は異なっていても、両方のワイナリーともに顧客満足のために全力を注いでいるのがわかりますし、そしてその取組みは成功していると思うからです。実際に私は両方のワイナリーでの体験に大変満足しました。では、その2つのワイナリーの顧客満足に向けた取組みはどのように違うのでしょうか?


ワインの高品質で明確な個性はKalleskeのブドウ栽培の長い歴史に由来しています。Kalleske ブドウ園は1853年に設立され、以来ブドウ栽培の長い歴史が続いています。最も古いブドウの樹は1875年植樹にまでさかのぼり、平均樹齢は約50年となっています。そしてそれらのブドウの樹は30以上の区画に分かれて栽培されています。そしてこの区画別栽培によって、地形、土壌そして特徴や個性を担保する様々な側面について、多様性を得ることが出来るのです。加えて、低量収穫、有機栽培/バイオダイナミック農法を実践しています。このようにして生産される高品質で明確な個性を持ったブドウを最大限生かすために、Kallesle は最小限の手しかかけないワイン作りを行っています。その結果、Kalleske のワインはそれぞれのブドウ栽培区画毎の神髄を完全に取り込むことに成功しています。

Kalleske がそうして出来たワインの独自性を販売戦略において強調するのは自然ですし、顧客がKalleske に求めているものもそうしたワインです。



Kalleske はワインを通して、高い顧客満足を達成していると言えると思います。

Two Hands

Kalleske と違ってTwo Hands は比較的新しいワイナリーで1999年の設立です(なおKalleskeはブドウ栽培の長い歴史がありますが、ワイナリー自体は新しくファーストビンテージは2004年)。Two Hands は自社ブドウ園を持っていますが、ブドウ栽培農家からも多くのブドウを購入しています。ワイン作りのコンセプトは “ 私たちはオーストラリアの裁量のシラーズのブドウ畑から最良のシラーズを調達することに精力を傾けており、それぞれのブドウ園の潜在力を完全に引き出すためにブドウ栽培農家と緊密に協力しながら作業をしています。そして私たちは地域性を反映するワイン作りの努力をしています ”(Two andsホームページ)。言い換えると、良いワインを作るためのブドウ調達の柔軟性がTwo Hands の長所と言えると思います。なおそうしたTwo Hands の生産方法は、自社ブドウ園からの原料ブドウ調達が哲学でありアイデンティティであるKaleskeとは正反対と言えるかもしれません。

私はTwo Hands はこのブドウ調達の柔軟性を、顧客のニーズに合致するためのワイン作りにうまく活用していると思います。この点は商品ラインに反映されています。Two Hands の商品ラインは、the picture series ($27), the garden series($60), the single vineyard series($100), the flagship series($80-165) そして the showroom series($25-100) の5つに分かれており、flagship series 以外は5種類以上のワインがあり、それぞれのワインでブドウ品種、栽培地域、栽培ブドウ園が異なります。顧客は地域性やブドウ品種の違いをそれぞれの価格カテゴリーの中で楽しみながら、自分の好みに合うワインを見つけることができます。顧客に親切な商品展開と言えるでしょう。


Two Hands は、ブランド構築の重要な要素の一つである長い歴史を持っていませんが、ワイン作りにおける柔軟性の活用と顧客第一のセラードアサービスを追求することで、高いブランド価値と顧客満足を作り出すことに成功しています。

結論として、Kalleske とTwo Hands ともにお客さんに対して素晴らしい経験を与えてくれます。それ故にどちらが良いワイナリーか、一概に決めるのは不可能です。ワインの個性そのものを中心に据えるのか、顧客満足の総体を追い求めるのか、ルートは異なりますがゴールは同です。どちらのワイナリーが好きか、それは顧客の求めるニーズ次第ということになるでしょうか。

Kalleske wines

Two Hands wines