It is hard to establish a brand which has clear distinction from other brands. I found an unique example of such a successful brand in the McLaren Vale. The name of the winery is Primo Estate. What makes the winery unique is its ties to Italy, which is the root of the winey. The winery has succeeded in incorporating many Italian factors into an authentic brand image. Those Italian aspects of the winery are as follows:
Italian variety and wines made in Italy
Primo estate produces wines made from Italian variety such as Sangiovese and Nebbiolo in McLaren Vale. Furthermore, the winemaker and owner of Primo estate, Joe Grilli, made wines in Italy from grapes grown in Italy, and then those wines were brought to Australia to sell. That is a quite unique attempt. I tasted the two of those wines: The Venetian Garganega and The Tuscan Shiraz Sangiovese. The latter, especially, is amazingly nice; it is mainly red cherry on palate with hint of spice, and velvety, soft mouthfeel. Overall, elegance is the main character I felt in the wine. I also enjoyed the difference between this Italy Shriaz Sangiovese and Australian Shiraz Sangiovese; Australian one, The Il Briccone Shiraz Sangiovese 2013, is dark cherry, plum and spicy with high intensity of fruits and high complexity deriving from fruits, oaks and MLF, which is contrasting with the Italian one. Both are wonderful wines.
Wine and foods pairing
On the website of Primo estate, many recipes of Italian foods together with wines recommended for pairing are available. Those are explained in details with pictures, and look so tasty.
Stylish cellar door
The building of the cellar door is very modern, stylish and fashionable. I felt the mode in Italy from the building and tasting room.
Friendly staff
All the staffs are so friendly and I had a wonderful time tasting wines and taking with them. In addition, I was surprised to know that most of them had visited Japan, and thanks to that, I was able to talk about Japan; I felt being individually treated and also very positive emotion toward them and the winery. Such friendliness is perhaps associated with its root of Italy.
It is important for a winery to build distinct brand image in addition to the performance so that consumers can easily identify the brand and feel positive emotion towards the brand. That would finally lead to consumer resonance, in turn, brand loyalty, repeat purchase. That process of acquiring brand equity is tough and long-term task for a winery, and I think Primo estate has been quite successful in establishing its distinct and unique brand image by carefully and uniquely incorporating various Italian factors into its brand management as a core/identity of the brand.
他と明確に違いのあるブランドを確立することは難しいことですが、マクラーレンベールでそのような明確な個性のあるブランドの確立に成功しているユニークな例を見つけました。そのワイナリーの名前はプリモ エステートです。プリモエステートをユニーク足らしめているのはプリモエステートのルーツであるイタリアとの結びつきです。プリモエステートはいくつかのイタリアの要素を一つの純粋なブランドイメージにまとめることに成功しています。そのイタリアの要素についていくつか述べたいと思います。
プリモエステートはイタリアのブドウ品種であるサンジョベーゼやネッビオーロからワインを作っています。更に、このワイナリーのオーナーでありワインメーカーのJoe Grilli氏が、イタリアでイタリアのブドウを使ってワインを作り、オーストラリアに輸入して販売しています。これは大変ユニークな取組みだと思います。私はセラードアでこのイタリアで作られたワインを2種類、The Venetian Garganega 2013 と The Tuscan Shiraz Sangiovese 2013 を試飲しました。とりわけ後者は驚くべき美味しさでした。レッドチェリーがメインで、かすかにスパイスの香りが感じられ、ソフトな舌触り、大変エレガントなワインです。またオーストラリアのシラーズとサンジョベーゼで作られたワインとの違いも楽しむことができました。なおオーストラリアのシラーズとサンジョベーゼ(The Il Briccone Shiraz Sangiovese 2013 )は、ダークチェリー、プラム、スパイスの味わいで、フルーツの力強さや樽、MLF由来の複雑もはっきり感じられ、イタリアのものと対照的でした。もちろん両方とも素晴らしい味です。
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