Terroir is originally a French term describing "the characteristics of the site and refers to the interaction of the vine with its nearby environment – that space above and below the ground that affects growth of the vine and how it ripens it fruit" according to A taste of the world of wine. Terroir has basically four components: aspect, canopy, soil and a human component.
Winemaking expressing the terroir is regarded as an important factor for quality and the story of wine especially in Old-World wine producing countries such as France and Italy. Here in Australia, more producers have been recently recognising the terroir as an important factor for both production and marketing, too. The major background of the increasing popularity of terroir-focused winemaking in Australia is that a winery can use the terroir to differentiate itself from others. Another point is that there is wide acceptance that a high-quality wine is created by the terroir in which the grapes are grown. Wine from a single vineyard is usually recognised as having more unique characteristic and higher quality than blended wine from various vineyards, resulting in higher sales price.
I want to introduce a unique project in McLaren Vale regarding the terroir-driven winemaking using the Vale’s great diversity in terroir. The name of the project is "Scarce Earth." Under this project, a panel consisting of three local winemakers and three independent experts, assess each wine to ensure that site is expressed in the glass and the wine free of overt winemaking influences. Four votes out of six are required for a wine to pass, and 23 wines have been selected the Scarce Earth Wine for 2012 vintage.
At the Kangarilla road winery, besides many good wines including Italian varieties, I tasted two Scarce Earth Project Shiraz: 2011 Scarce Earth Project Shiraz and 2012 Alluvial Fans Shiraz. As for the former, grapes are sourced from a vineyard near the Maslin Beach, and the soil is rich in marine fossil calcareous siltstone and limestone, which is very similar to the soil of Chablis in France. The wine has complex and mineral structure and distinct acidity, which are the typical attributes of wines made in Chablis. Regarding the latter, the wine has silky, soft texture and highly elegance on palate. Both wine express the terroir quite well and definitely deserve AUS$45.
In Australia, many domestic wines which have district terroir-driven character are available; however, in Japan, it is rare to see such a terroir-driven Australian wine at major liquor shops. I hope more terroir-driven Australian wine get available, so many Japanese consumers can enjoy such a nice wine! I would like to contribute to expand the availability of such a nice wine for Japanese consumer choice after completing my master degree in Adelaide.
昨日マクラーレンベールのKangarilla road winery を訪問した時、マクラーレンベールのテロワールについての興味深い取組みを見つけました。今日はその取組みを紹介したいと思います。
ここで、テロワールの多様性を持ったマクラーレンベールの、テロワールを主体としたワイン作りに向けた取組みを紹介したいと思います。プロジェクトの名前は“Scarce Earth” と言います。この仕組みにおいては、計6人の審査員が、ワインが生産された土地の個性がきちんとワインに表現されており、ワイン生産の過程で過度な人的介入がなされていないかを審査します。審査員6人中4人が同意すれば合格で、2012年ビンテージでは23のワインが認証を得ています。
Kangarilla road winery ではイタリア品種を含む多くの美味しいワインの他に、2種類のScarce Earth 認証を受けたワインを試飲しました。2011 Scarce Earth Project Shiraz と 2012 Alluvial Fans Shirazです。前者は、Maslin Beachという海岸近くの畑で生産されたブドウを使用していますが、ここはかつて海底だったため化石成分が豊富な石灰質主体の土壌。フランスのシャブリ地方にとても良く似た土壌です。ワインの味わいは複雑味やミネラル感があって、酸がきちんと感じられます。ちなみにシャブリのシャルドネも酸が強く、ミネラル感がある味わいでこのワインとても良く似た特徴を持っています。後者は沖積土壌主体のブドウ畑から生産され、とても柔らかい、優雅さのあるワインです。両者ともに土地のテロワールをとてもよく表現しており、45ドルという価格に見合う品質です。
Kangarilla Road winery
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