Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Most popular wine at home in 2014 うちでよく飲んだワイン 2014年

Here are two wines which we have drunk at home most frequently this year. Both are under $20 and great value.

Mojo Shriaz

blackberry, blackcurrant, chocolate
moderate tannin, soft and velvet texture,
good balance between alcohol, tannin, oak and sweetness

Coriole Chenin Blanc

floral, pear, honey
mineral, crispness
good balance between acidity and sweetness


Mojo Shriaz

Coriole Chenin Blanc
ミネラル, 酸味

Mojo Shiraz

Coriole chenin Blanc

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Clare Valley No.3 - Soil クレアバレー その3 - 土壌

Today, I want to say about soils in Clare Valley.

What are good soils for growing grapes? 

Grapevine grows the best when its requirements for nutrients and moisture are fully met. In general the soils that have the following four attributes are considered to meet the requirements: 

  • have sufficient depth (soil permeability);
  • are well aerated;
  • are well drained; and 
  • have good water holding capacity.

Sufficient depth allows the roots grow deeply, which means the roods can uptake water and nutrients well. Well-aerated and well-drained soils can avoid deficiency of oxygen and an attack by root-rotting organisms arising from waterlogging of the rootzone, supplying appropriate moisture to the roots at the same time 

A range of soil types from sandy loams through to loamy clays provides these conditions.  

Clare Valley has similar soils structure to Coonawarra, which is famous for its “Terra rossa (Italian for “Red soils”).” The red soil is formed through iron-oxide process in the clays. The structure of the soils in the both regions is red soil over a limestone base which is well-drained, while maintaining adequate soil moisture to roots and readily allows roots to penetrate in search of water.

In summary, the Clare Valley has the ideal soil structure for grapevine.




  • 十分な深さを持つこと(土壌の浸透性が高いこと);
  • 高い通気性;
  • 高い排水性(水はけが良いこと);そして
  • 高い保水性、です。





The picture is a sample of the soil structure in Clare Valley at Kilikanoon winery
写真は Kilikanoon winery にあった土壌構造のサンプルです。

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Clare Valley No.2 - Climate クレアバレーその2 - 気候

Arguably the Clare Valley is one of the Australia's finest wine regions to produce Riesling wine. Today, I want to talk about the climate suitable for growing good Riesling grapes.

The important attributes of the fine Riesling are flora aroma, crispness, refreshing taste, high acidity, well balance between acidity and sweetness, low to medium alcohol content (about 12.5%). It is often said that such a fine Riesling is produced in cool climatic regions. I will go into climatic factors, in particular temperature, which have a critical effect on the quality of the grape such as the level of sugar and acidity, and the intensity and complexity of flavour and aroma.

Sugar in grape berries is converted into alcohol by enzymes during the fermentation, and as such the sugar level in the grape berries generally indicates the alcohol level of the wine. Once the sugar concentration in the grape berries has reached the sugar level equivalent to the alcohol level which a winemaker wishes for the wine, it would be the timing of harvesting. Sugar accumulates over the course of berries development. During the grape berry ripening, higher temperature condition facilitates photosynthesis because enzymes involved in sugar production becomes more active in high temperature. Therefore, in warm/hot climatic regions, the sugar level in the grape berries reaches the winemaker's desired level earlier than in cool regions.

Next consideration is acidity. Temperature plays an important role in keeping the acidity of the berry. Acidity increases until the veraison and then it decreases. On the contrary to the sugar accumulation, the acidity is reduced greater in high temperature due to the more respiration than in low temperature.

Lastly, accumulation of flavour and aroma compounds generally mature toward the end of ripening process. It takes long times for those compounds to be optimal maturity. In general, the period required for those compounds to be optimal does not link to the temperature. In other words, high temperature does not mean flavour and aroma mature fast.

Consequently, in warm/hot region, sugar level is likely to become high enough for the grape berries to be harvested earlier, at which acidity may have been lost too much and flavour and aroma concentration may be far from optimal maturation. In cool climate, however, due to the lower temperature, sugar concentration is more slowly, leading to retaining desirable acidity level. Furthermore, as it takes long time for sugar content to be proper level for harvest, flavour and aroma are likely to mature well. It is considered that flavour and aroma maturity and final sugar accumulation can be roughly synchronous in cool regions.

Many vineyards in the Clare Valley are found on slopes between 450 and 500m of elevation. As you know, the temperature will fall by 0.7°C for every 100m increase in elevation and thus, the climate of the Clare Valley is the cool climate. As I explained above, grapes grown in the Clare Valley keep high acidity and have optimal flavour and aroma.









Thursday, 4 December 2014

Clare Valley No.1 クレアバレー その1

On the last day of November, I first visited Clare Valley with friends, which I had been waited for.

I want to report what I saw there by four posts: general impression, climate, soils and cellar door service experiences.

Today, I want to talk about the general description of and my impression on the Clare Valley.

Clare Valley is a small wine region locating 1.5-hour by car to the north of Adelaide. The history of wine making in the Clare Valley is long. The first vineyards were planted in the 1840s. Until the 1960s, the main products were dried grapes and fortified wine, but since then, most planting have been made for table wine.  The vineyard area is currently 4,600 ha grown by 216 grape growers and the main varieties are Shriaz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Riesling, Chardonnay and Merlot. The number of wineries is around 40, most of which are small and medium size.

Most vineyards lie on slopes 450 to 500m in elevation. Due to the high elevation, Clare Valley is categorised into the cool region.  The climate is similar to the more elevated part of the Barossa Valley and the Eden Valley. Soils are mostly sandy loam to loam, over red or brown clayey sub-soils.

The landscape of the Clare Valley is significantly different to that of the Barossa Valley. The plain field is very narrow and lie north and south surrounded by hills. Such geographical characteristic give an impression of isolated, hidden area. On the contrary, my image on the Barossa Valley is vast plain, not the image of valley.

There were definitely fewer visitors in the Clare Valley than the Barrosa Valley, which was quite good because we could relax and enjoy the conversation with cellar door staffs. I like the Clare's  less commercial, calm and warm atmosphere.

We visited four cellar doors, Crabtree, Kilikanoon, Jim Barry and Sevenhill, of which Crabtree and Kilikanoon are the most impressive. Crabtree is very small like a living room. A lady explained very politely and gently, and the quality of the wines, particularly Riesling and fortified, was superb. At Kilikanoon, we had perfect hospitality. Cellar door staff's cheerful and precise explanation of tasting note was very helpful for understanding the Kilikanoon winery. I found the staff the most important factor for cellar door experience. I want to go into this issue later.




ほとんどのぶどう畑は海抜450-500mの斜面にあり、この海抜の高さゆえに、クレアバレーは冷涼気候に分類されています。クレアバレーの気候はバロッサバレーの海抜が高い地域、Eden valleyとほぼ同じと言われています。土壌は砂交じりロームからローム土壌を、赤・茶色の粘土質土壌が覆っています。



クレアバレーではCrabtree, Kilikanoon, Jim Barry そしてSevenhillの4つのワイナリーを訪問しましたが、その中でもCrabtree とKilikanoonが強く印象に残っています。Crabtreeは非常に小さく、自宅のリビングを改造して作ったようなセラードアでしたが、スタッフの女性が優しく丁寧に説明してくれました。ワインは特にリースリングと酒精強化ワイン(Muscat)が素晴らしかったです。Kilikanoon は完璧なサービスでした。セラードアのスタッフの明るく、正確なテイスティングノートの説明のおかげで、ここのワイナリーのワインをよく理解することができました。セラードア体験においては、スタッフの方が一番大事な要素であることを強く感じました。この辺については後日詳しく書いてみたいと思います。

