Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Clare Valley No.3 - Soil クレアバレー その3 - 土壌

Today, I want to say about soils in Clare Valley.

What are good soils for growing grapes? 

Grapevine grows the best when its requirements for nutrients and moisture are fully met. In general the soils that have the following four attributes are considered to meet the requirements: 

  • have sufficient depth (soil permeability);
  • are well aerated;
  • are well drained; and 
  • have good water holding capacity.

Sufficient depth allows the roots grow deeply, which means the roods can uptake water and nutrients well. Well-aerated and well-drained soils can avoid deficiency of oxygen and an attack by root-rotting organisms arising from waterlogging of the rootzone, supplying appropriate moisture to the roots at the same time 

A range of soil types from sandy loams through to loamy clays provides these conditions.  

Clare Valley has similar soils structure to Coonawarra, which is famous for its “Terra rossa (Italian for “Red soils”).” The red soil is formed through iron-oxide process in the clays. The structure of the soils in the both regions is red soil over a limestone base which is well-drained, while maintaining adequate soil moisture to roots and readily allows roots to penetrate in search of water.

In summary, the Clare Valley has the ideal soil structure for grapevine.




  • 十分な深さを持つこと(土壌の浸透性が高いこと);
  • 高い通気性;
  • 高い排水性(水はけが良いこと);そして
  • 高い保水性、です。





The picture is a sample of the soil structure in Clare Valley at Kilikanoon winery
写真は Kilikanoon winery にあった土壌構造のサンプルです。

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